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Side & Face Cutter
Name: Side & Face Cutter
Item Code:Side & Face Cutter
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category: Cutter Suction Dredger
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Chucking Reamer
Name: Chucking Reamer
Item Code:Chucking Reamer
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category:
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Taper Pin Reamers
Name: Taper Pin Reamers
Item Code:Taper Pin Reamers
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category: Tapering Slip Form
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Counter Sink & Deburring Tool Zero Flute
Name: Counter Sink & Deburring Tool Zero Flute
Item Code:Counter Sink & Deburring Tool Zero Flute
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category:
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Six Flute Counter Sink - Straight Shank
Name: Six Flute Counter Sink - Straight Shank
Item Code:Six Flute Counter Sink - Straight Shank
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category:
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Ground Thread Radial Chaser Dies Set
Name: Ground Thread Radial Chaser Dies Set
Item Code:Ground Thread Radial Chaser Dies Set
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category:
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Indexable Counter Sink & Chamferring Tools
Name: Indexable Counter Sink & Chamferring Tools
Item Code:Indexable Counter Sink & Chamferring Tools
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category:
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Precision Boring Bars Set
Name: Precision Boring Bars Set
Item Code:Precision Boring Bars Set
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category:
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Cut Off Blades
Name: Cut Off Blades
Item Code:Cut Off Blades
Main Category: Parts & Spares
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Metal Slitting Saw
Name: Metal Slitting Saw
Item Code:Metal Slitting Saw
Main Category: Parts & Spares
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Flat Wood Bits
Name: Flat Wood Bits
Item Code:Flat Wood Bits
Main Category: Parts & Spares
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Name: Thread File
Item Code:Thread File
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category: Threading/ Rivetting Machine
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Engineer's File
Name: Engineer's File
Item Code:Engineer's File
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category:
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Centre Drill - Long Series 60°
Name: Centre Drill - Long Series 60°
Item Code:Centre Drill - Long Series 60°
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category: Drilling Machine
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Adjustable Hand Reamer
Name: Adjustable Hand Reamer
Item Code:Adjustable Hand Reamer
Main Category: Parts & Spares
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Centre Drill Bell Type
Name: Centre Drill Bell Type
Item Code:Centre Drill Bell Type
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category: Drilling Machine
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Carbon Steel Cut Thread Hand Taps B.S.W., B.S.F., U.N.F., U.N.C.
Name: Carbon Steel Cut Thread Hand Taps B.S.W., B.S.F., U.N.F., U.N.C.
Item Code:Carbon Steel Cut Thread Hand Taps B.S.W., B.S.F.,
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category: Cutting/ Shearing/ Slotting Machine
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Carbon Steel Cut Thread & Taps
Name: Carbon Steel Cut Thread & Taps
Item Code:Carbon Steel Cut Thread & Taps
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category: Cutting/ Shearing/ Slotting Machine
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Hexagonal Dies
Name: Hexagonal Dies
Item Code:Hexagonal Dies
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category:
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Dovetail Square
Name: Dovetail Square
Item Code:Dovetail Square
Main Category: Parts & Spares
Sub Category:
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